Tuesday, April 12, 2011


FIRSTLY, i want LL members to know that WE(the Junior Masters and GuildMasters) are going to implement a new system to the guild.

i hope you guys will read this because it will be helpful to all of us...

i will only post the relevant information for the guild :D (coz it might bore u out ~_~)

1. The way to gain Guild Points (GP) has been changed.

You can gain GP in the following situations.

- When the play time of a guild member passes one hour.

- When a guild member in the guild levels up.

- When a guild member purchased a guild skill.

- When a new member has been added to the guild

2. Guild level has been introduced.

- Your guild level is decided by how many GP you gain.

- A guild skill can be used according to the guild level.

- When someone leaves a guild, an amount of GP will be deducted.

3. Guild Skills were added.

Meso Increase [Master Lv. 5]

Increases the amount of meso a guild member can earn. However, this effect only applies from monster drops.

Lv. 1: Increases the amount of earned meso by 2% (available when you have Guild Lv. 1)

Lv. 2: Increases the amount of earned meso by 4% (available when you have Guild Lv. 3)

Lv. 3: Increases the amount of earned meso by 6% (available when you have Guild Lv. 5)

Lv. 4: Increases the amount of earned meso by 8% (available when you have Guild Lv. 7)

Lv. 5: Increases the amount of earned meso by 10% (available when you have Guild Lv. 9)

EXP Increase [Master Lv. 5]

Skill Duration: 30 mins.

When a guild member trains, more EXP can be acquired from monsters.

Lv. 1: Increases the amount of earned EXP by 2% (available when you have Guild Lv. 2)

Lv. 2: Increases the amount of earned EXP by 4% (available when you have Guild Lv. 4)

Lv. 3: Increases the amount of earned EXP by 6% (available when you have Guild Lv. 6)

Lv. 4: Increases the amount of earned EXP by 8% (available when you have Guild Lv. 8)

Lv. 5: Increases the amount of earned EXP by 10% (available when you have Guild Lv. 10)

Defense Increase [Master Lv. 5]

Skill duration: 1 hour

Increases the physical and magic defense of guild members.

Lv. 1: Increases the physical and magic defense by 5% (available when you have Guild Lv. 1)

Lv. 2: Increases the physical and magic defense by 10% (available when you have Guild Lv. 3)

Lv. 3: Increases the physical and magic defense by 15% (available when you have Guild Lv. 5)

Lv. 4: Increases the physical and magic defense by 20% (available when you have Guild Lv. 7)

Lv. 5: Increases the physical and magic defense by 25% (available when you have Guild Lv. 9)

Attack/Magic Increase [Master Lv. 5]

Skill duration: 30 minutes

Increases the physical and magic attack of guild members.

Lv. 1: Increases the physical and magic attack by +4 (available when you have Guild Lv. 2)

Lv. 2: Increases the physical and magic attack by +8 (available when you have Guild Lv. 4)

Lv. 3: Increases the physical and magic attack by +12 (available when you have Guild Lv. 6)

Lv. 4: Increases the physical and magic attack by +16 (available when you have Guild Lv. 8)

Lv. 5: Increases the physical and magic attack by +20 (available when you have Guild Lv. 10)

Movement Increase [Master Lv. 4]

Skill duration: 1 hour

Increases the speed and jump of guild members.

Lv. 1: Increases the speed and jump by +5 (available when you have Guild Lv. 3)

Lv. 2: Increases the speed and jump by +10 (available when you have Guild Lv. 5)

Lv. 3: Increases the speed and jump by +15 (available when you have Guild Lv. 7)

Lv. 4: Increases the speed and jump by +20 (available when you have Guild Lv. 9)

Trade Shop Efficiency Increase [Master Lv. 4]

Increases the efficiency of trades in stores.

Lv. 1: Increases selling price by 5% and reduces the purchase price by 5% (available when you have Guild Lv. 4)

Lv. 2: Increases selling price by 5% and reduces the purchase price by 10% (available when you have Guild Lv 6)

Lv. 3: Increases selling price by 10% and reduces the purchase price by 10% (available when you have Guild Lv. 8)

Lv. 4: Increases selling price by 10% and reduces the purchase price by 15% (available when you have Guild Lv. 10)

Accuracy/Avoidability Rate Increase [Master Lv. 5]

Increases the accuracy and avoidability of guild members.

Skill duration: 1 hour

Lv. 1: Increases the accuracy and avoidability by 2% (available when you have Guild Lv. 1)

Lv. 2: Increases the accuracy and avoidability by 4% (available when you have Guild Lv. 3)

Lv. 3: Increases the accuracy and avoidability by 6% (available when you have Guild Lv. 5)

Lv. 4: Increases the accuracy and avoidability by 8% (available when you have Guild Lv. 7)

Lv. 5: Increases the accuracy and avoidability by 10% (available when you have Guild Lv. 9)

Critical Rate Increase [Master Lv. 4]

Increases the critical attack rate of guild members.

Skill duration: 30 minutes

Lv. 1: Increases the critical rate by 2% (available when you have Guild Lv. 4)

Lv. 2: Increases the critical rate by 3% (available when you have Guild Lv. 6)

Lv. 3: Increases the critical rate by 4% (available when you have Guild Lv. 8)

Lv. 4: Increases the critical rate by 5% (available when you have Guild Lv. 10)

Guild Periodic Support [Master Lv. 10]

Every week on Monday, a potion for support can be received.

Lv. 1: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 1)

Lv. 2: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 2)

Lv. 3: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 3)

Lv. 4: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 4)

Lv. 5: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 5)

Lv. 6: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 6

Lv. 7: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 7)

Lv. 8: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 8)

Lv. 9: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 9)

Lv. 10: Guild support every week on Monday. (available when you have Guild Lv. 10)

***There are Prices for these skills, the prices are not yet stable, it might change so i wont be posting those yet***

***i will be adding more for additional information***


'For us to Happily enjoy these benefits, our main guild is only open for ONE main character.'

So, to those who have a lot of accounts in LL, better decide your main account. the other accounts will be placed in LL2 or LL3 ( LL2 and LL3 are basically an extension of the main guild, but we are now focusing the benefits of all the members- that is why your main will be joining the main guild.)

For the Juniors, when adding a member, make sure you orient them FIRST about the rules BEFORE anyhow adding members! make sure the members who are joining the main guild wont leave or wont join the main guild for temporary stay. i will demote members who are not responsible enough to do this.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Lets Congratulate our hardworking
HolyAladin for reaching 120!!
and late grats to
ClubbingKa (143-chionged too fast)

woot woot!! =]
i wish my hermit is 4th job too O_x

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big Bang Textbook [1]

What is Big Bang all about?

Forget everything that you know about MapleStory. Big Bang is all set to rock the MapleSEA world with its revolutionary changes.

There will be huge changes: maps, monsters, quests, skills, EXP equation, damage equation, job balancing, resolution, UI,

EVERYTHING will be different!

Check out the most prominent User Interface changes in our Big Bang patch this May 2011 with the "Big Bang Text Book"!

Terrain changes in Maple's World map:

1) Modified hunting grounds

You can now open the World Map by typing (W) and place your mouse over the hunting ground you would like to go to. This will show the NPC and Mob information of the selected land.

2) New hunting grounds

New hunting grounds were added for faster character growth.

The mini dungeons were moved based on the monster level and relocation of the hunting grounds.

3) Changes to the towns

The landscape of each town was modified, and the monster type/levels were changed.

E.g. Henesys and Kerning City Construction Site

Overall Exp Re-balancing

How much EXP does a Lv. 14 character need to become lv. 15?

Original: 4238

After the Big Bang Update: 1716

Overall level-up EXPs will be decreased for all classes, making leveling up easier and faster.

Level 10 to 30 : 54% decrease in EXP required!

Level 31 to 70 : 70% overall decrease in EXP required!

Level 71 to 120 : 56% overall decrease in EXP required!

Level 121 to 200 : 30% overall decrease in EXP required!

Revision of Skills for all Classes

New skills will be added and unused old skills will be removed due to their inefficiency,

Critical Damage for all!

Critical Rate will be added to all character stats. All jobs now have default critical rate of 5%!

Credits ~ MapleStorySEA

Monday, March 14, 2011

Boo You!!

we got pages in guild now =3 looks nice wiith those funky skills :P
goodluck in training your pages ^_^ and jyjy to all those hardworking members who buff each other and train ^_^


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mad Kelvin!

I am so mad today that I did this right after i login!

Darling Trisha and Kelvin signed up for "My Valentine Photo Frame" competition in forum!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

LL get together~

LOL! - Lots Of Love from LL~

FINALLY!! a small gathering once again in our guild room~
i sure missed the old times, doncha? =]

a good jumpshot taken once again! haha ^_^ its been 1 week since i last played so i missed the guild, good thing its still not empty ^_^ i love LL!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Trisha went into the wrong room! =P

bored no.2 creation

anyone got request for pic? will make then when i'm free!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

NEW EVENT!! Guild Weekly Lottery!!!

Each member who wants to join the guild lottery will pay 100k =]
-this is weekly so if u didnt join last week, u can join again next week~
-Lottery day is every thursday
-u will choose 2 combinations [1 combination consists of 4 numbers] ( numbers are from 0-30)
-if no one wins for this week then better join nextweek, because the prize will be higher ^_^
-give your combinations to Tengkia or weekie woo(freezing) or weesie woo(bananasin). [dont let me see the combinations to avoid thoughts of cheating and conspiracy]
-i will be the one randomly picking the numbers from my number box =3

any questions? Leave a comment!! ^_^ hehe :P

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bored in School

AngstKelz is bored in sch!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Starry Starry Night with LL members

weee new guild picture!
sad the others werent there =O
weee~ ^_^ so many stars!!